Avocados are growing in popularity. The creamy green fruit is packed with vitamins, nutrients, and heart-healthy fats. While they are high in fat, it’s the good kind of fat that benefits people with type 2 diabetes. If you have type 2 diabetes, adding avocado to your diet may help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, and increase insulin sensitivity. Avocado may help with weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity. Losing weight, even a little, can increase your insulin sensitivity and reduce the likelihood that you will develop serious complications. The healthy fats found in avocado can help you feel full for longer. In one study, after adding half an avocado to their lunches, participants had a 26 percent increase in meal satisfaction and a 40 percent decrease in desire to eat more. When you feel full longer after meals, you are less likely to snack and consume extra calories. The healthy fat in avocados, called monounsaturated fat, can also help your body use insulin more effectively.
Also avocados won’t cause spikes in blood sugar. They are low in carbohydrates, which means they have little effect on blood sugar levels. A recent study published in Nutrition Journal evaluated the effects of adding half an avocado to the standard lunch of healthy, overweight people. They discovered that avocados do not significantly impact blood sugar levels. Part of what makes avocados a good choice for people with diabetes is that, although they are low in carbs, they are high in fiber. Many other high-fiber foods may still spike blood sugar levels. Research has shown that consuming half of the fruit daily could lead to lower insulin levels in the blood. Another study conducted in rats showed that avocados aid in inhibiting critical enzymes that are associated with type 2 diabetes. Oil from avocados was also discovered to boost the sensitivity of insulin by 96 percent in rats that ingested a diet rich in sucrose.